⛓️Supported Chains and AMMs

AMMs and Chains integrated within Merkl

Live AMMs & ChainsEpoch Duration

🦄 UniswapV3 - Ethereum

12 hours

🦄 UniswapV3 - Polygon

6 hours

🦄 UniswapV3 - Optimism

6 hours

🦄 UniswapV3 - Arbitrum

6 hours

🦄 UniswapV3 - Base

6 hours

🍣 SushiswapV3 - Ethereum

12 hours

🍣 SushiswapV3 - Polygon

6 hours

🍣 SushiswapV3 - Optimism

6 hours

🍣 SushiswapV3 - Arbitrum

6 hours

🍣 SushiswapV3 - Base

6 hours

🍣 SushiswapV3 - CoreDAO

6 hours

🍣 SushiswapV3 - Thundercore

6 hours

🥞 PancakeSwapV3 - Ethereum

12 hours

🥞 PancakeSwapV3 - Polygon zkEVM

12 hours

🪞 Retro - Polygon

6 hours

🐉 Quickswap - Polygon

6 hours

⚔️ Camelot - Arbitrum

6 hours

Horiza - Arbitrum

6 hours

🔵 BaseSwap - Base

6 hours

🦉 SwapR - GnosisChain

6 hours

Blueprint - Ethereum

12 hours

Zero - Polygon zkEVM

6 hours

Can't find your AMM in this list? Contact us through this form.

To find the list of supported liquidity managers for each of these chains, you can directly look into the ALMs appearing on the pools displayed on the Merkl app. To integrate a liquidity management platform you can contact us through this form.

Last updated